Released Oct 20, 2021
Ancient Alchemists believed that among the highest achievements is the process of Transmutation; the art of turning base metals into gold. Rather than interpreting this concept literally, enlightened seekers now understand this idea as a metaphorical guide to living with conscious intention. True transformation happens when we are able to turn the ‘base metals’ of adversity, struggle and pain into the ‘gold’ of truth, beauty and success. Taking as a starting point each of my first three drops on Nifty Gateway, this collection embodies the forward evolution of those three concepts. It exhibits the growth and transformation that happens every day as we work and struggle to become better human beings through the daily confrontation of adversity. By staying present and embracing challenges, we can all experience the exceedingly beautiful joy and peace of life’s many Transmutations.
Awakened Portal - Open to collectors of "Portals", "The Journey" and "Beyond" Collections
Journey's End - Open to collectors of "The Journey" and "Beyond" Collections
Evolution - Open to collectors of "Portals", "The Journey" and "Beyond" Collections
Drawings will be 30 minutes. Multiple pieces owned gets you multiple entries.
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