Released Apr 13, 2022
RX2 Collector's Fingerprint "The art world I believe in, and for which I want to contribute for, has no boundaries between physical and digital and is built based on collaboration^3 : - Collaboration between artists. - Collaboration between artists and collectors. - And last, but not the least, Collaboration between collectors."
“221” drop, from two art worlds to one, lives and breathes RX2 fingerprint manifesto. From a large spectre of artists, covering both digital natives and traditional street artists, some of which with a very relevant presence in the NFT space, where the most experienced ones have collaborated and helped NFT first time travelers; To a couple of traditional physical artists launching their genesis NFT, breaking down barriers between physical and digital and merging the two worlds, on a collector’s drop; And a collaboration with a referenced collector “King of Midtown”, one of the most generous and altruistic collectors in the NFT space, ensuring his membership holders special access to some limited drop pieces;
This “221” has it all! United we rise, together we're stronger.
30 Editions of each membership have been reserved for the Artists and RX2