Released Jan 23, 2022
Art2People has teamed up with Mercedes Benz to debut its first collaborative NFT project. Each talented artist has created unique digital interpretations of the Mercedes-Benz G-Class. Artists include: Antoni Tudisco, Baugasm, Klarens, Charlotte Taylor & Anthony Authie and Roger Kilimanjaro.
G Wagon Raffle will only take place if primary sale grosses $1 Million in revenue. If primary sale hits the $1m mark, there will be a collectors only drawing for a special 1/1 NFT to take place off of Nifty Gateway. Each piece from the primary sale grants you a certain number of entries in the collectors only drawing. Collectors only drawing will take place on a date TBA by Art2People
Nifty Gateway is not responsible for distributing the physical car.
If car raffle takes place, user must be holding pieces at the time of raffle. Only users holding the NFT will receive entries into car raffle
Drawings will be open for 1 hour.
Artist reserves: (3) Baugasm, (3) Klarens, (3) Roger Kilimanjaro pieces
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