Released Apr 6, 2023
All pieces have been generously donated by participating artists. Artists will receive 20% of the sales proceeds, and 80% will support the Me Llamo Art Foundation.
WHO is Me Llamo Art?
Me Llamo Art is a non-profit organization with a key aim of elevating artists in web3, independent of experience, sales or status. To do so, we’re continuing to grow as a meeting place for artists and collectors, while providing opportunities for networking, education, mentorship, exposure through our online platforms and IRL events. All of these are fundamentally underpinned by fostering a safe and inclusive environment, promoting transparent and ethical practices, and channeling innovation.
WHY support Me Llamo Art via the Charity Series?
The Charity Auction Series will provide the stepping stone of support to drive Me Llamo Art’s team and impact into the next 12 months. With the anticipated revenue we hope to hire the equivalent of 4-5 part-time artist positions, and build on our key initiatives including:
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