Released Nov 25, 2022
Everyone Starts with a Blank Canvas... was made to remind myself (and everyone out there) that we can all create art, of any form, we just need to get started. There's no reason to be afraid. There's always going to be people liking what you do and people that don't. But as long as you create something genuine and that matches your taste, you're good.
At the beginning we all make mistakes and are hardly satisfied with our first artworks and style. Keep exploring, learning and having fun. Doesn't matter if you keep changing medium. You will eventually find your identity, and maybe your versatility will become your signature and the themes you face and your personal point of view will be the constant.
This artwork will be available for purchase on Nov. 25th @ 11:25am ET @ $25.11 for 25 days and 11 hours.
ebo·kubik is a multidisciplinary artist (and curator) often jumping from animation to writing, from photography to digital painting. There's not a sole and preferred medium, as it all depends what fits better the idea in his mind.
Among previous clients we can find BMW, Volkswagen, Ford and abc, The CW, Netflix. Former robot programmer first and script supervisor and wannabe film writer/director then, ebo·kubik always had both a creative and methodical side keeping him company throughout his career.
Exactly this duality, together with the concept of perspective, is a recurrent theme into all his art pieces, always with the aim of sparking a feeling of curiosity to his audience.