Released Jan 29, 2022
Plastic Gummies is the sequel collection to my 2021 works Uncut Gummies. Two works of this new collection are only accessible for those already holding at least one piece from the Uncut Gummies collection from 2021.
"The process of creating the works began in my studio, making physical painting on paper using aerosols. These art works where then scanned at a high resolution and used as the basis of each piece of this collection. Music was created in collaboration with todayidance. The works are split into two sides. The highs and the lows, hedonistic dizziness and considered self reflection. These are the two sides of what I experience through the creative process, and also mirror the ups and downs of living / partying / being here."
"It’s hoped that these works will be shown large scale in your underground bunkers or decentraland condos. Wrap them over the walls of your buildings, virtual or physical, and fall into their plasticky fields of deep colour and throbbing electronic ambience."
Holders of Jon Burgerman's Uncut Gummies Open Editions and Limited Editions are eligible for the two collectors only drawings below.
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