Released Jan 23, 2023
To improve, we must actively change. As the New Year begins, so does a New Year for creative exploration, and we all have a choice.
Do you choose Revolutionary change or Evolutionary change in your artistic journey?
Evolution seeks to integrate and hybridize new approaches within your creative process while maintaining elements that are recognizable as your "style", and visually tell a story of progression. Revolution sets the tone to break off from the past exploration, and create a new beginning, with purpose. Whatever was successful in the past must be rejected in favor of a new impactful vision. [R]Evolution of one's work strives to innovate and search for new visions within one's own process of creating art, a New Year for self-reflection on the contemporary view of A-I Art and how to approach the next steps within your process. This state of change is a progressive act of BE·COM·ING. Featuring works by lilyillo, JKilefors, moepwellington, halley_x_, tajnft, palekirill, Venta_art, OTHERfaces_tez, carterito, and LightWeaverArt
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