
Finalists announced

View in Mask Market


Updated 03.10.25

The Council of Luci has completed their first round of the deliberation process and Finalists from each region have been announced.

Meanwhile, The space has been sorted, and Mask Making continues as I create and assign Masks for the Masquerade’s Guests.

I have made many masks for Observers I connected with. I have moved others around the jungle, up and down and around as the process has evolved, some from sweet Root to vicious Order after a savage round of Destruction, others from Network up into the Canopy after providing guidance to others. I have done a full switch up and made entirely new Masks for Guests who returned for an unexpected path-change of a revision. I have tossed out a few I hoped to make that didn’t play out as expected.

To me, it feels good to participate. To feel the design of it all. Wherever we put our efforts.

Secondary trading for unrevealed Masks has now begun. Trading during this window pre-reveal is purely based on the Observations, Discourse, and Revisions that Guests have made with their Masks, as well as Finalist vs Incomplete Ranks.

What is the Masquerade?


Overview & How to Participate in the Masquerade

Watch now

“X. Masquerade” 1/1


The 10th 1/1 in the story of Luci, “X. Masquerade” has been collected by Kanbas. Its first exhibition and in person event is currently being planned for later this year.

From: Kanbas

Sam Spratt's work is the kind of light we want to see in the world. Do not let the primitive monkey fool you, Luci is a guidebook to the future. Masquerade evokes one of the oldest stories, that of Purim, a holiday of revelry and reversal where the boundaries between joy and sorrow, good and evil, blur in a celebration of survival, power, and growth. A place where the gambler, the addict, the mother, and the saint, all sit and play at the same table. Sam brings us along on a very personal journey, but always with a wink and a mirror back at us, rather than an altar to him— refracting back at us a love and curiosity of our nature as humans. Masquerade tells the story of family, love, brotherhood, betrayal, and the bonds that shape who we are. In a world where we often see through the limited pinhole of our own perception, Sam, and his invitation to others, bounces light from every angle onto a collective story—the absurdity, the grief, the beauty, and the mess.

To us, collecting and patronage is about becoming a true friend to the artist, embracing both the person, their world, and their craft. Supporting Masquerade is our way of honoring Sam's trust, the monumental work he's created, the world he's forming, but more than anything: the shared values underpinning all of it. Sam clearly loves humanity in its entirety, and so do we; he does not apologize for our past, judge our present, or fear the future. He tells a story of all of us, great and small, bigger than the tool it is made with, the space it occupies, or the time it is told. We're proud to stand beside him and all of the people who gather atop this work to tell our story together, and commit to help share it with the rest of the world.


  • 1

    A time to learn and prepare for the Masquerade.

  • 2

    Players best be prepared, invitations for you and Guests await for those in the circle

  • 3
    The Clamor2.18

    A Public Drawing for those who wish to join the party

  • 4
    The Party2.21


  • 5

    The Council of Luci gathers

  • 6

    Those who will revel will be revealed

  • 7
    Winners Reveal3.13

    The Council selects the Crowns
    Sam sorts the Kingdom
    The Masks of Luci are revealed

X. Masquerade


The next chapter in the story of Luci.

Mask on, volume up, watch now


The Masquerade is my next chapter of the story of Luci, continuing right where The Monument Game left off. Art, community-building, and modern exegesis come together to elevate the choices, connections, and true nature revealed through others' collision with my work and world. Players from The Monument Game who pledge to the Masquerade will be able to enter as they are, but as this is a party, each will be able to invite a guest to join for a price.

When you enter the Masquerade, I want you all the way in. A sacrifice and commitment to the code of the party.

  • Masks: Participants may transfer Masks to other NGS account holders until February 21 at 12 PM ET, before gameplay begins. Withdrawals will be paused until Masquerade winners are officially announced on March 13, 2025.
  • Players: Both transfers and withdrawals will be paused until Masquerade winners are officially announced on March 13, 2025.

Yes, secondary trading will be temporarily paused as follows:

  • Masks: Trading will be paused until the Masquerade finalists are announced.
  • Players: Trading will be paused until the Masquerade winners are officially announced.

The Masquerade unfolds in Phases:

  • Create a written Observation atop the Artwork (February 21-24)
  • Destroy as you collide with others through Discussion (February 25-27)
  • Balance by returning to Revise from the collision (February 28- March 3)

Every single one of the hundreds of written contributions will be taken in and deliberated on. Deliberations come in two forms: alone between me and you, and together with The Council.

Alone, I will go through every bit of Observation, Discussion, and Revision, and sort the space myself. Masks will be chosen or crafted in real-time based on what I feel is best suited to its wearer. A direct link between myself, the collection, and those who participate in the Masquerade.

The Council’s task meanwhile will be to whittle down from many to few to find who put on the best show, who gave themselves to the Masquerade, voting to select one Observation, one Discussion, and one Revision, to respectively award the Masks of Creation, Destruction, and Balance.

More details on how to participate can be found by clicking on the ‘Instructions’ tab in the navigation bar.

Deliberations based on your discourse determines your role and the winners of the Masquerade.

(3) Finalists are chosen by each Council Member

(3) Winners of the Masquerade will each be awarded the Masks of Creation, Destruction, and Balance.

The Council of Luci follows a structured, two-round deliberation process:

Round 1: Each Council Member selects 3 finalists—one each in the categories of Creation, Destruction, and Balance.

Round 2: Council Members conduct a second round of voting to determine the final winners.

How each Council member deliberates is as much an indication of their nature as how you contribute is yours. What they resonate with can be as complicated as a carefully calculated matrix of a personal rubric or as simple as a vibe. They will deliberate individually and in secret.

Should a Mask change hands before the winners are announced, the discourse from the original contributor is what is evaluated.

Masks will be revealed on March 13. The Mask that’s been made for you is a link between us. That what you gave to the Masquerade was taken in, read over and over, and what you received is what I felt from you. Though you are being sorted, each Mask was made and inspired by my love of people and all the funny forms we take.

Some will be obvious: a Luminate mask for someone who led the way for many others. Fungal Network mask for those who connected and stitched people together. Others are more subtle. But even within the largest category like Foundation, there are common stones, rare earth metals, and bedrock that will stand the test of time.

The color, texture, flow, protrusions, form, each Masks inspiration from its corresponding component of the jungle and how matters of Man, Nature, and Spirit rhyme across each function of a living ecosystem. There are Masks for mothers, guides, seers, trolls, mimics, reply guys, thought leaders, jesters and code-crackers. There are hierarchies across the Masks and hierarchies within each, there are packs and groups, links across the jungle, some live inside the work “X. Masquerade”, some are inspired by principles that govern our world, others by the most specific quirk of an individual person. There is a Mask for every type. Thank you for giving yourself to the network. All we have to offer is ourselves.

The Council of Luci is a name given to holders of Sam Spratt’s Skulls of Luci series of 1/1/50 who consist of some of digital art’s best and brightest minds.

Thank you

The task of the people who participate in the Masquerade: to create, destroy, and balance, is not an arbitrary collection of actions. It’s an echo of what we’ve been doing for well over a year together, a repetition of the act of how the Masquerade was made by not only me, but a cadre of others.

Though the end point consists of the crude tools of my artwork, its viewer's words, and a map to leave a mark between us; underneath are systems on systems that, to be made, have been broken apart every step of the way.

The task of the Masquerade was the same task of its creation, that it would be brought to life not from a lone man on a mountain top, but from an openness and trust to battle out its ideas and find its truest form along the way. So that every person who touched its creation, could hone themselves, each other, and our collective endeavor together. Each has made this better. Each has made me better. Each has shown me how much more there is to grow.

My deepest thanks to the Tree

The board is set for Chapter 7

Wheel of Thanks


Sam Spratt
About Sam

Sam Spratt creates from rupture. The pursuit of redemption through solidity–to chart a path forward from past missteps.

His current body of work, a series of digital paintings: Luci (pronounced Loo - See) follows the infinite story of pilgrimage and serves as a refracted self-portrait of the artist–each piece: a confession, a conversation, and a joke at our own expense. Through the process of palingenesis, this episodic body of work serves as guides and warnings for the atomized individual exiting dissociation and attempting to connect, grow, and thrive in an escalating network.

Sam lives in the United States of America and works out of his studio in New York City. His artwork has found homes in games, films, music, books, comics, magazines, theater, and most creative industries.